Statement of Commitment to Service of Good

You are here and now to Save, you are here and now to Help, you are here and now to Heal. You are Energy Beings of the Source, you are Love incarnate, you are the ones who balance the energies. Do not participate in a witch-hunt, focus on the good in yourself and others instead. Shine your Light, remain in Christ Consciousness. Choose to be Love.

Commitment to Service of Good and Beauty of Truth, Joy, and Love

In this wonderful and happy time, I  (say/write your name),

promise to do everything possible

to receive better and better all the instructions 

that are transmitted to me in one way or another

so that I can always get more involved with my service to the Forces of Light.

My heart will be my guide because, through it, everything will be given to me.

My solar plexus will be my light and my intelligence because through it,

my most beautiful ideas will come to me.

I know I haven't won anything yet. 

But, with all lucidity, I will take stock of things.

Therefore, nothing can prevent me from achieving them.

This now is soon - because it gives me the opportunity to go through a door - and climb the steps.

May nothing and noone have the power to dissuade me.

May the task that is mine and that I once accepted - come back to me,

so that I can fulfill it, knowing what I'm doing and why I'm doing it.

If I'm successful in this passage, my life will change enormously - because this is what I always wanted.

As I speak these words aloud, may I be surrounded with the most tender love from the angels

who are assisting me in this now.

May these few words remain forever ingrained in me 

and are inscribed with golden letters in the Great Book of Life.

For Father/Mother I will do everything I can

to be worthy and in accordance with His perfect plan.

May love reign in me and around me - and that I never betray her.

A sustained effort from now on will be mine.

This is the impulse, accepted in the depths of my divinity.

I rise in this now to the perfect heights - where heaven will want to propel me with joy.

May deep peace invade my entire being

and may an immense joy become my entire reason for being

and the most beautiful expression of my advance.

I agree and confirm that this is my faith.

I am the one who returns to the World of Light

and who offers divine service to this beautiful land where I was born.

With Love and Service,

(your name/signature)

 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***


  • The Force of Love


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