Traditional Tarot cards meaning list with keywords

There are many traditional Tarot and Oracle cards available nowadays - and new ones being created all the time. Most of them come with a guidebook that provides a detailed description/meaning for every card included in a deck. 

That means anyone can use an oracle card deck, without any knowledge of the Tarot story and symbolism. However, to have a deeper understanding and appreciation for a Tarot reading, studying every card in the traditional deck (78 cards altogether)  - is a must! Following is a directory of all the cards with keywords. More detailed descriptions with pictures and explanations will follow - with links to - and from this index.

Traditional Tarot Suits


  • Element: Fire
  • Keywords: creativity, energy, passion, ambition, spirituality


  • Element: Water
  • Keywords: emotions, imagination, intuition


  • Element: Air
  • Keywords: thinking, speaking, mental energy, pure mind


  • Element: Earth
  • Keywords: health, money, work, security, material realm

Trump cards or Major Arcana

The Fool - 0
The Magician - I
The High Priestess - II
The Empress - III
The Emperor - IV
The Hierophant - V
The Lovers - VI
The Chariot - VII
Strength - VIII
The Hermit - IX
Wheel of Fortune - X
Justice - XI
The Hanged Man - XII
Death - XIII
Temperance - XIV
The Devil - XV
The Tower - XVI
The Star - XVII
The Moon - XVIII
The Sun - XIX
Judgement - XX
The World - XXI

Minor Arcana Tarot cards list


One is the seed that holds the potential for new growth, the starting point, a new opportunity. However, the energy of One must be acted upon - in order for growth to appear.

Ace of Wands - I
Ace of Cups - I
Ace of Swords - I
Ace of Pentacles - I


Number Two represents dualities like yin and yang, light and dark, masculine and feminine, good and evil, hot and cold, black and white. Two is the number of reflection, desire, and conflict, the moment of creation (when two forces come together) - and the feminine principles of conception and intuition.

Two of Wands - II
Two of Cups - II
Two of Swords - II
Two of Pentacles - II


Three is a synthesis of two coming together - to become more than their sum. Number Three is also a trinity of body, mind, and spirit; heaven, earth, and water; past, present, and future. Other meanings: love, vital force, creative success, and positive energy.

Three of Wands - III
Three of Cups - III
Three of Swords - III
Three of Pentacles - III


Four of Wands - IV
Four of Cups - IV
Four of Swords - IV
Four of Pentacles - IV


Five of Wands - V
Five of Cups - V
Five of Swords - V
Five of Pentacles - V


Six of Wands - VI
Six of Cups - VI
Six of Swords - VI
Six of Pentacles - VI


Seven of Wands - VII
Seven of Cups - VII
Seven of Swords - VII
Seven of Pentacles - VII


Eight of Wands - VIII
Eight of Cups - VIII
Eight of Swords - VIII
Eight of Pentacles - VIII


Nine of Wands - IX
Nine of Cups - IX
Nine of Swords - IX
Nine of Pentacles - IX


Ten of Wands - X
Ten of Cups - X
Ten of Swords - X
Ten of Pentacles - X

List of Court Cards in Tarot

The Court Cards in Tarot have a human-nature dimension unlike the rest of the cards in Major and Minor Arcana. That means that Kings, Queens, Knights, and Pages have a character - and they will act differently in different circumstances. 


  • Description: Kings represent passion and driving force behind the suit. A King may be a mature, older, wise man.
  • Keywords: creative, inspiring, forceful, charismatic, bold, masterful, controlling, respected/respectful.

King of Wands 
King of Cups 
King of Swords 
King of Pentacles 


  • Description: Queen usually represents an adult woman, a mother figure - or a younger woman mature for her age. In short, a woman of knowledge and wisdom. The Queen turns her King's dreams and ideas into reality.
  • Element: Water
  • Keywords: wisdom, knowledge, development, growth, confidence, attractiveness, energy, wholeheartedness, cheerfulness.

Queen of Wands 
Queen of Cups 
Queen of Swords 
Queen of Pentacles 


  • Description: Knights are youthful extremists who express the qualities of their suits to the max. That can be positive or negative (depending on surrounding cards). 
  • Element: Air
  • Keywords: movement, travel, change, sometimes loyalty, and purity of spirit

Knight of Wands 
Knight of Cups 
Knight of Swords 
Knight of Pentacles 


  • Description: Pages represent youth, children/child, or a messenger - with the innocence of childhood. Whenever you want what the Page is offering, go for it!
  • Element: Earth
  • Keywords: message, joy, thrill, discovery, news, playfulness.

Page of Wands 
Page of Cups 
Page of Swords 
Page of Pentacles

  • Wikipedia



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