Twelve Chakra system - vortex-like energy centers in and around our physical body

Twelve Chakra system is what resonates with me right now - while taking a closer look at these subtle energy centers that are more important than most people realize. The Chakra systems go from seven - and all the way up to 114 chakras! Enough to study them for the rest of your life, if you ask me. 

But what's more important is the fact that these swirling discs of energy are responsible for how you feel about yourself and the world around you, how well you get along with others, your physical well-being, your financial situation, your decision-making, your spiritual advancement, access to the spiritual gifts you're blessed with, and more.

7 Primary Chakras

Chakra is the Sanskrit word for the 'vortex of energy.'
Chakras rotate clockwise - each in their unique frequency, perceived as color in the 3D plane.

The seven primary chakras come in seven colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Trauma and suffering, however, cause chakra colors to turn duller and duller. A skilled Shaman or Reiki practitioner can restore the chakra colors/energy to become clear again, spin freely, and vibrate with their original purity.

Primary chakras are all inside the body and their common names are: Root chakra, Sacral chakra, Solar Plexus chakra, Heart chakra, Throat chakra, Third Eye Chakra, and Crown chakra.

The Earth and Sky Chakras

The Earth primarily nourishes the five lower chakras, from the root to the throat. They are emphasized in Earth-goddess religions with agrarian cultures with advanced astronomy, philosophy, and architecture. The upper/sky chakras were mostly ignored.

The Sky-god religions, on the other hand, prioritized upper or sky chakras. Those are fed primarily by the Sun, by the subtle spiritual energies. The Sky-god cultures were based on high technology, reason, and logic. They also neglected the lower chakras.

Nowadays we know that balance is the key to the proper functioning of anything, including our physical energy/chakra system.
The five lower chakras, from the root to the throat, are nourished primarily by the Earth.

4 Chakras outside our body

Earth Star Chakra or Super Root

Earth Star Chakra energy center is about 12 inches (30 cm) below our feet, in the etheric (non-physical) body. Its main functions are rooting and grounding. In that, it differs from the Root Chakra, because the Earth Chakra anchors the whole chakra system (entire personal energy) to the earthly and universal energies. This connection makes us feel well o a physical body, grounded, and stable. 

During the process of grounding (balancing Earth Star Chakra), negative energy gets released, while positive energy from the earth flows up the body and back to the Creator. That enhances feelings of connection with Gaia, the ability to stay in the now, self-awareness, and clear thinking. 

The easiest way to balance the Earth Star Chakra is through spending time outdoors and (guided) grounding meditation.

Causal Chakra

Soul Star Chakra

Stellar Gateway Chakra

8 Chakras within our body 

Root/First Chakra - safety and grounding

  • Location: At the base of the spine (between anus and genitals). 
  • Role: Gateway/connection to Divine Feminine, like a taproot seeking nourishment from Mother Earth. The Root Chakra provides essential nutrients.
  • First Chakra drives: Fundamental instincts like food, shelter, survival, procreation.
  • When the Root Chakra is out of balance/disconnected from Gaia, we feel motherless, orphaned. Consequently, masculine energy prevails - which leads to seeking comfort in material things, individuality over relationship and family, hostility over compassion.
  • Operating out of the first chakra means being absorbed by the senses and physical stuff. One becomes completely self-centered and narcissistic. 
  • Keywords: grounding, reproduction, money, ability and willingness to walk and run (movement of the feet, ankles, knees, hips), security, property, territory.

Sacral/Second Chakra - sexuality and sensuality

All four basic human instincts (fear, feeding, fighting, and sex) are based in the lower two chakras (first and second - or Root and Sacral chakra).
  • Location: Four fingers below the belly button.
  • Associations: Kidneys and the element of water.

Navel/Third Chakra 

Solar Plexus/Fourth Chakra - willpower and self-confidence

Heart/Fifth Chakra - love for self and others

Throat/Sixth Chakra - creativity and truth

Third Eye/Seventh Chakra - wisdom and spiritual awakening

Crown/Eight Chakra - connection to the Divine Source (mother/father God)


  • Image source:
  • Wikipedia


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