How will Mars in retrograde affect the aspects of your life that are out of alignment?
On September 9, 2020, Mars went retrograde. While on its path, it will also form squares with Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter. Squares a.k.a. 90° angles are tense, sharp, and pointed. That means certain aspects of our lives are bound to surface - and this is a perfect opportunity to deal with them. And since this planetary effect will stay with us for the rest of 2020, it makes sense to take a closer look - and take note of possible ways to deal with it.
Neptune in Pisces (its home sign) supports clinging to the old ways and avoidance of facing reality - on personal and collective levels. However, with Saturn in Capricorn (its home sign), along with Pluto and Jupiter - we'll have to deal with any unfinished business - personally and collectively. All the karmic seeds we've been cultivating for a while are now in full bloom. It's no longer possible for us to ignore them. Consequently, now's the time to do something about the things we don't like. Unfortunately, sticking the head in the sand will not work this time. Capricorn wants us to grow up - now!
Putting things right
- It's time to set the old baggage down - and release it.
- It's time to close chapters from the past. Pisces is in favor of purification rituals, not delusions.
- It's time for maturity and an honest self-assessment of ourselves and our hidden issues. Self-analysis helps a great deal with one's empowerment.
The question to ask and answer honestly
If you feel you're not living your best life - or not walking your best path - then take a look at these pointers that might help you make some changes for better. Because not living your truth causes energy drain - and it's very disempowering.
- Is the way you live your life in alignment with your authenticity?
Make a list of
- things you're feeding - and they aren't feeding you back (non-equal give and take relationships)
- things/activities/relationships that have no personal meaning/significance
- things/activities/relationships that don't align with your true self
- things/activities/relationships that don't support your highest good
- things/activities/relationships that are no longer working
- your own bad attitudes
- your own bad behaviors
- beliefs that no longer serve you
- situations that cause your impulsive responses/reactions
Go within, that's where all the answers are - and do some self-appraisal. This might seem like a lot of hard work. But it's worth doing it in order to create great changes!
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