Spiritual Ascension Tips and Explanations
If you just realized/woke up to the fact that things are not what they looked like even a short while ago, you might be confused as to how to proceed. There's an overwhelming amount of sources of information out there - but which one should you trust/learn from? Follow the KISS method: Keep It Simple, Sweetie! Apply the following four rules to begin your enlightenment/ascension journey. Everything else you'll be guided to - when you need it.
- Meditate Daily - in whichever way works for you.
- Pray often, call on angels, start talking to your Spiritual Guides.
- Trust in Divine Plan and Divine Timing.
- Live by the Golden Rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Learn to listen/trust/follow Your Intuition - or gut feeling. Avoid second-guessing yourself. 'Hearing the voice' of your intuition takes some practice because this divine guidance sounds like a whisper. The source of a loud voice is our over-protective ego that is not yet trained to take the back seat.
Another important thing to remember is that we're all on our unique path. Some are awakened and highly advanced - while others (on the opposite side of the stick) choose not to wake up at all. We have to let everyone else be. Look at them with compassion and try not to judge. Darkness has a purpose, too. It helps us see the light.
However, there are things we can do to help/nurture those who are still asleep:
- bless and pray for those who have chosen to continue their journey in fear
- do not struggle with their choice - but think of them with love
- pray for them and pour your new energy on them
- keep in mind that their life belongs to them and that their choice concerns only them - even when their suffering is great and dismay continues
- only your detachment/discernment will allow You to spread the wings and shine your light brightly
Helpful Videos on Ascension Process
- The 5 Ages of Man and Atlantis (Chronologies, Explanations and Mythology)
- Ashtar on Clones and Being Beamers
- Energy Update October 2020 - Arcturian Channeling
- Significant and Positive Changes from Galactic Federation of Light - Part 1
- How to Keep a High Vibration
- Message from the White Brotherhood & Sananda about Current Evolution
- The Victory, Connection with Light
- Recovery of the Power - To Be the Master of Your Own Power
- Spiritual Message from Archangel Metatron - Frequency Codes "I Am" - Summary:The time has come when everything must change for a higher quality of living, for Humanity. The world around you was built on lies, illusions, and limiting beliefs about yourself. We are in a stage of purge and release, and liberation from the lies. When planetary events challenge you, keep in mind that they help you release and purge old emotional baggage. Let go! Allow yourself to cry or scream in an appropriate way/place. All the malignant density must be released - from the self and the planet - so that the solar flash can have the desired effect. Remain calm and in your heart. Pay no attention to info that doesn't resonate with your heart. Negative information comes with bad energy. Placing it in your heart does you no good. Let it go! The more you affirm your sovereignty, the faster the old paradigm will change and collapse. And that is worth celebrating. Stay calm and peaceful. Let the Light constantly flowing into your existence. When the time is right, everything will be revealed and visible. No more shadows, only Truth. Stay focused on Trust, Faith, and Love. Believe in the Divine Plan. May the Light of Creation guide your path forever!
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