Bison and Buffalo Spirit Animal Meaning and Symbolism

To most people, Bison and Buffalo may resemble each other in many aspects, but they are indeed two different species that originate from different geographical locations.

Bison has large humps at the shoulders, bigger head, a beard, and a thick coat that gets shed from spring to early summer. The two kinds of bison are the American bison and the European bison.

Buffalo has a larger body and greater horns. The two forms of buffalo are water buffalo from Asia (similar to ox), and Cape buffalo from Africa.

When it comes to spiritual meaning and symbolism of a spirit animal, however, Bison and Buffalo are used interchangeably:

  • symbol of good strength, health, and stamina
  • agility
  • calm personality
  • devotion to family
  • protective
  • unity
  • abundance and manifestation
  • freedom

To the Lakota and other native American tribes, white American buffalo or bison represents the most sacred living being on this planet. 


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