Angel Number 13 spiritual meaning

Number 13 is often associated with bad, unfortunate things, especially when it's joined with Friday. To me, that makes no sense. The only thing that explains the bad-luck superstition of 13 would be that we've been purposely trained into fearing it. Because the fact of the matter is that number 13 combines the powers of angel numbers 1, 3, and 4 (from 1 + 3 - to get a single-digit). And neither of them is a 'bad luck' number, is it?

Meanings of Angel number 13

  • creativity
  • transformation/renewal/very important change
  • new beginnings
  • death and rebirth
  • the end of a struggle - or challenging period in life
  • angels are with you
  • ascended masters are encouraging you to stay positive - and give any negative feelings and thoughts to them - so they can heal and/or transform them
  • divine feminine/goddess/intuitive side - because #13 corresponds to the number of lunar (menstrual) cycles in a year
  • in small religion/culture in Brazil, #13 represents God/sacred number that can save humanity (salvation)
  • many athletes proudly wear #13 on their shirts - to bring them good luck


Things in Life

(Lyrics by Dennis Brown)

It's not every day we're gonna be the same way
There must be a change somehow
There are bad times and good times, too
So have a little faith in what you do
'Cause you don't seem to realize
The things you've got to face in life
Today you're up, tomorrow you're down
So thank God that you're still around town
Whoa, my brother
Though we have got to work like slaves
Just to eat a piece of bread
But as we go along each day
We'll find happiness to soothe our mind
'Cause it's not every day… 


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